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New Catalog discussion #19

Closed hachikuji-san closed 2 months ago

hachikuji-san commented 2 months ago

i've written a catalog script that visually resembles teh koko catalog. It uses thumbnails generated using ImageMagick... is that okay? The only other methods for generating thumbnails require gd so you have to end up installing an extra package anyway.

Bascially: warota.php -> creates thumbnail when uploading images images.php -> displays catalog

hachikuji-san commented 2 months ago

I'm hesitant to push straight to main so i'll push to a new branch then make a pull request with the new code

hachikuji-san commented 2 months ago

pushed it to main, it works as a simple gallery. I want to prioritize the previews in warota.php first before finishing it off completely.

kaguy4 commented 2 months ago

sum questions 1- Do thumbnails get saved in the same dir as images? 2- Does deleting images make their thumbnails get deleted as well? 3- What will happen to older files which were uploaded while thumbnailing wasn't a thing?

hachikuji-san commented 2 months ago
  1. No, they get saved to thmb/ by default but in the conf you can set it to be the same dir as images.
  2. too be honest i forgot about that but the most recent commit fixes that
  3. Unless u want to run a script creating thumbnails from the older images, the original image gets displayed but scaled down.