Heyuri / Uploader

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Page reloads instead of showing error page for files too large #6

Closed hachikuji-san closed 2 months ago

hachikuji-san commented 2 months ago

When trying to upload a file larger than $limitb, instead of displaying the "File too big" error it just reloads the page. It's similar behavior to when you select no file. Although it's annoying it doesn't harm functionality at all since the file isn't uploaded, still need to track down the source of the bug ASAP.

I've ensured nginx.conf and php.ini were adjusted for the larget upload size yet this still persists as an issue. Pls reply if you're able to reproduce the bug.


kaguy4 commented 2 months ago

is this bug still there for u?

hachikuji-san commented 2 months ago

yup. It's like the file isn't uploaded at all.

chen-chan1 commented 2 months ago

i changed my php.ini stuff and reloaded it and it worked for me.

upload_max_filesize = 500M post_max_size = 500M max_input_time = 300 max_execution_time = 30 memory_limit = 500M

systemctl reload php7.3-fpm

chen-chan1 commented 2 months ago

turns out it was the form with a limit.

witch makes no damn sense... when i deleted the max upload element it allowed it to be ran and reach the server side detection of file size.

chen-chan1 commented 2 months ago

if you want to fix you could remove the client side max upload. or i could change it to say file upload is to big