Heyuri / kokonotsuba

Heyuri's BBS software
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Bring back Field Traps #36

Closed notACXYZ closed 5 months ago

notACXYZ commented 1 year ago

Previously on Pixmicat, it was a feature there to catch automated spam while letting users post normally. What's weird is that this feature got removed entirely from Koko in favour of KolymaNET's SpamDB.

Restoring this feature will bring added security to the post form.

Former settings in config.php

/*---- Part 3:Anti-Spam Field Trap ----*/
define("FT_NAME", 'bvUFbdrIC'); // Name
define("FT_EMAIL", 'ObHGyhdTR'); // E-mail
define("FT_SUBJECT", 'SJBgiFbhj'); // Title
define("FT_COMMENT", 'pOBvrtyJK'); // Comment

It was also formerly featured in /lib/lib_commmon.php and koko.php but replaced with normal values.

What do you think?

anonwaha commented 1 year ago

Sounds good to me

kaguy4 commented 1 year ago

Heyuri is using SpamDB, so I think it's good to have on github version for others who are unable to use it