Heziode / obsidian-antidote

An Obsidian integration of Antidote, a powerful grammar checker
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How to install Connectix 11 on MacOs when Antidote 10 ii already installed ? #14

Closed i3oc9i closed 1 week ago

i3oc9i commented 11 months ago

I have downloaded the Connectix_11.5.0.1_45_Mac.dmg from the official site, and when I start the installation it complains because antidote 10 is already installed.

If I uninstall Antidote 10 of course I can install it, but then when I install back the the install 10 the Connectix 10 is installed

If I start manually the Connectix 11 it does not access the local Antidote 10, and it propose to access the web version that is no more available.