HiFaraz / node-playbook

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VCS recommendations #8

Closed JarLowrey closed 8 years ago

JarLowrey commented 8 years ago

Add GitLab as VCS. Link all 3 to the sites. GitLab is cheapest w/ a lot of cool features (KanBan boards). GitHub is most well known, BitBucket has Atlassian integration, and is also cheaper than GitHub. https://github.com/pricing https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/ https://bitbucket.org/product/pricing

Is source tree really necessary? IDK as I've never used it before. But the source says only for Windows & Mac. I'd think you'd want to encourage devs to use a Linux OS, and learn Git.

HiFaraz commented 8 years ago

Thanks for contributing!

As we discussed in the Reddit thread, I'm limiting the playbook to just one recommendation in order to reduce decision making in getting started.

SourceTree: added it because it is a good solution that gets you started fast. Switching to Linux may be the best solution overall but it is overkill for the specific problem of "Git GUI" for those that want one. There is a switching cost.

That being said, I'd welcome a PR adding OS-specific options.

JarLowrey commented 8 years ago

Ok good points. I recommended mentioning GitLab as you currently mention both GitHub and BitBucket

Create a new repo on either GitHub or BitBucket

Repository (repo) hosting: GitHub for private repos: either pay GitHub or use BitBucket instead

Personally I think GitLab > BitBucket (for private repos), but it doesn't matter too much either way.

HiFaraz commented 8 years ago

Fair enough. I'm eliminating the confusion by only recommending GitHub. See #11

krokofant commented 8 years ago

I think it would be beneficial to note that students get unlimited free private repos

HiFaraz commented 8 years ago

Done. Thank you!