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running code in parallel #129

Closed sumit-sp closed 7 years ago

sumit-sp commented 7 years ago

Hey, I am facing problem with configure_run.sh file. Is it necessary to install ATLAS for parallel computing? Is there other way to do it.(like different software) Also I am using CENTOS , so I guess the tutorial given for ubuntu is not working. I am facing problems finding header files like BLAS_LIB etc

JacobCrabill commented 7 years ago

ATLAS is just one distribution of the BLAS library, so if you want BLAS support (to avoid significant slowdown), you'll need to supply the configure script with the location of cblas.h, libcblas.so, etc.

For running in parallel, you need a distribution of MPI, i.e. MPICH2, OpenMPI, etc., which should include the compiler-wrapper mpicxx.

If the configure script, or the compiler, cannot find some files, try looking for the file yourself, i.e.

locate cblas.h

and then supplying the directory it resides in (if any) to the configure_run.sh script.

Hope that helps!

sumit-sp commented 7 years ago

I have installed openmpi and provided location of mpi.h . But while running code the mpirun command is not found.

JacobCrabill commented 7 years ago

You probably have to add the OpenMPI bin directory to your PATH variable (in your .bashrc or .cshrc, etc).

sumit-sp commented 7 years ago

Solved, Actually I was not loading the module. Thanks for help