HiFiLES / HiFiLES-solver

High Fidelity Large Eddy Simulation Solver
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volume_cub_order #21

Closed woodjude closed 9 years ago

woodjude commented 9 years ago

Anyone knows what does volume_cub_order do please?

BTW, inters_cub_order seems to do with LES? Might be better in 'LES option'?

Thanks, Jack

mlopez14 commented 9 years ago

volume_cub_order is only used when determining integral diagnostic fields. More specifically, we use it when computing the error between an exact solution (like with the method of manufactured solutions) and a numerical solution. The total error computed is the sum of the integrated errors within all elements in the entire domain. volume_cub_order determines the order of the integration used to find the error in an element.

For example, when volume_cub_order = 2 and you're using a hexahedral mesh, 2^3 = 8 cubature points will be used inside each element to estimate the integral of the error.

To see how it is used, check the definition of eles_hexas::set_volume_cubpts(void). To see how the cubature points are obtained in hexas, check cubature_hexa::cubature_hexa(int in_rule)