Hi, I think there are a couple of typos in the fits2hcm script for LTRISE. On lines 144 and 148 'MJDINT' and 'MJDFRAC' should be set to ofhdu, not ophdu (this is the convention for the other formats "HICKS", "INTWFC" etc.). This causes a KeyError in reduce when attempting to process the images, as 'MJDINT' can't be found.
Hi, I think there are a couple of typos in the fits2hcm script for LTRISE. On lines 144 and 148 'MJDINT' and 'MJDFRAC' should be set to ofhdu, not ophdu (this is the convention for the other formats "HICKS", "INTWFC" etc.). This causes a KeyError in reduce when attempting to process the images, as 'MJDINT' can't be found.