HibaShabbir / Sqe-Project

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Meeting 4 #12

Open HibaShabbir opened 2 years ago

HibaShabbir commented 2 years ago
  1. Discussed common hurdles and ssues faced by team mates

      • Did not know what was the purpose of API's and how is it different rom UI testing
      • Unable to find common time free for all
      • Common issues faced with not knowing python language
      • Consumed a lot of time to understand and implement as pycharm IDE was a completely new IDE to work on
      • Knew better about featureHub ( can not be tested since its in flutter ) , however changed to Sylius Ecommerce website demo version a completely new domain .
      • API error code 404, 500, 505 etc were vague and consumed a lot of time to get to use to
  2. Decided to teach each other through tutorials found on the internet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ts5fzmhN5o&list=RDCMUCsdoSHH5bucBf_wwtvWJfnQ&start_radio=1&rv=3ts5fzmhN5o&t=2 took time to watch the playlist . Alot of things were missing and became a major roadblock

3 .Finally got work done . Concepts learnt :- -- Types of API post, get , push -- Error code handling -- get tokens of user and admin from respected api -- requests.post(), requests.get() , url of apis , json parsing , headers of requests to be modified respectively (content -type application/json)

esha361 commented 2 years ago

Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/ajq-nwbo-zph?pli=1&authuser=0