Discussed common hurdles and ssues faced by team mates
Did not know what was the purpose of API's and how is it different rom UI testing
Unable to find common time free for all
Common issues faced with not knowing python language
Consumed a lot of time to understand and implement as pycharm IDE was a completely new IDE to work on
Knew better about featureHub ( can not be tested since its in flutter ) , however changed to Sylius Ecommerce website demo version a completely new domain .
API error code 404, 500, 505 etc were vague and consumed a lot of time to get to use to
3 .Finally got work done .
Concepts learnt :-
-- Types of API post, get , push
-- Error code handling
-- get tokens of user and admin from respected api
-- requests.post(), requests.get() , url of apis , json parsing , headers of requests to be modified respectively (content -type application/json)
Discussed common hurdles and ssues faced by team mates
Decided to teach each other through tutorials found on the internet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ts5fzmhN5o&list=RDCMUCsdoSHH5bucBf_wwtvWJfnQ&start_radio=1&rv=3ts5fzmhN5o&t=2 took time to watch the playlist . Alot of things were missing and became a major roadblock
3 .Finally got work done . Concepts learnt :- -- Types of API post, get , push -- Error code handling -- get tokens of user and admin from respected api -- requests.post(), requests.get() , url of apis , json parsing , headers of requests to be modified respectively (content -type application/json)