HibaShabbir / Sqe-Project

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Assigned UI feature 2 : Search Items at a category #7

Open HibaShabbir opened 2 years ago

HibaShabbir commented 2 years ago
  1. Created a feature file
  2. Wrote in Gherkin the test case which was a scenario outline
  3. In case of keywords that do not exist check behaviour
  4. In case of keywords found check behaviour
  5. Created Steps in python to exectue each Gherkin line
  6. Made use of background and hooks
  7. Verfied the flow of events from automated web driver executing steps
esha361 commented 2 years ago

1.Created a feature file 2.Wrote in Gherkin the test case which was a scenario outline 3.In case of keywords that do not exist check behaviour 4.In case of keywords found check behaviour 5.Created Steps in python to exectue each Gherkin line 6.Made use of background and hooks 7.Verfied the flow of events from automated web driver executing steps