Hidendra / LWC

Lightweight Protection for Chests, Furnaces, Dispensers, and more for the Minecraft server mod Bukkit
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CraftBukkit Plugin Safeguard 1.4.7 (amongst other things) #516

Open ahargreavesmcmanus opened 11 years ago

ahargreavesmcmanus commented 11 years ago

1 When people did /cprivate this happened: http://pastebin.com/Y0h2r8Sn and they couldn't protect anything. This appears to be caused by the new plugin safeguard.

2 When I place beds it privatizes them even though they are not set in core.yml

3 Earlier when 3fatcat3 was placing signs they were privatizing at first but then it started saying that he had reached his protection limit. There is no limit set (I have checked the files) and this is the first time this has happened in all the time I've used LWC.

Homie20006 commented 11 years ago

To 1: Have you tried updating ? You are using a very old build.

ahargreavesmcmanus commented 11 years ago

It is the latest build on Bukkit Dev, and after a past experience I tend to avoid dev builds when it comes to LWC. I'll have a look at the dev builds when I have time.

Jobsti commented 11 years ago

No problems with 1.) and 2.) (3. didn't tested yet): LWC #813 CB #2623 or LWC 4.3.1 CB #2606