Hidendra / LWC

Lightweight Protection for Chests, Furnaces, Dispensers, and more for the Minecraft server mod Bukkit
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MySQL not loading #569

Open SpaZMonKeY777 opened 11 years ago

SpaZMonKeY777 commented 11 years ago

LWC Build: #186 Spigot Build#: #563

Upon launching server, I am getting this error: http://pastebin.com/6gjEN2td

It seems to not load my mysql database of locked goodies, but the plugin DOES load and allow players to lock items after the servers online.

Not sure what's going on, but not having any old locks is a big issue lol. Let me know if you need more info, thanks!

SpaZMonKeY777 commented 11 years ago

Well I seemed to have fixed the issue. I just backed up my files, deleted all my LWC files, and then launched the server. Once everything regenerated in the LWC folder, I popped my .dat.old database file in there, and swapped the config back to MYSQL. Then launched the server again, and it converted perfectly.

Not sure what caused the initial issue though...