Hier0nimus / anno-mods-hier0nimus

Collection of mods of Hier0nimus
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Limitation on landwars #26

Closed println4debug closed 3 months ago

println4debug commented 3 months ago


Really greate work! I was thinking about implementing a land war mod in the past, but before I ever started I noticed that all the mods are just xml's which implicated for me that there is no chance to manipulate original game files? I was really wondering if something like this is possible but I was not willing to spend weeks to get into all the project structures and systems just to find out that it is not possible. So I wanted to ask you if its worth for me to get into it, our shoult I just let it be. I really miss the Anno1404 style of war, and I'd put lot of work into it if there is any way.

As you also mentiont the problems in your readme I was wondering if there would be a workaround for it.

Maybe in getting a new baseclass for turrets and let the old ones extending to it so you have the abiltie to let ships only attack the old ones, and therefore add a sub class for land structures which not getting attacked by ships.

Also I was wondering if there is an workaround with the trigger-system and the team number to let land structures only attack a team you are in war with?

You can build in MP with two people in a team so it shoult somehow be possible to build on enemy islands?

Also, AI has already a pathway so maybe, it is even possible to let your infantry uses the same pathway like production-chains to walk to the new structures and just make the fight "static" like animations for running production chains and reduce structres hp from time to time.

And sorry for posting this as an issue, I found no way to send you a message

Hier0nimus commented 3 months ago


No problem, feel free to join the Anno Community modding discord where we can talk. There is a topic with all kinds of feedback already and you can just jump in and discuss together with everyone. https://discord.gg/MtamwfN3c6

If you want to get into modding yourself I would also recommend joining theAnno Community modding discord. There are a lot of people with experience and we are ready to help where possible.

Another resource you can use it the Community modding github. https://github.com/anno-mods One of the repositories is Guides and tutorials including some step by step tutorials I wrote from starting with 0 knowledge to more advanced stuff. https://github.com/anno-mods/modding-guide

Most of the modding is indeed manipulating XML files for the code part. With those manipulations we inject data into the original files/game based on the "modloader" that was written by a community member. About a year ago the game developers embraced modding even more and imcorporated the modloader into the game itself, which is a really nice gesture telling the community they like what we are doing. Apart from that there is also the asset manipulation where new 3D models or graphics are created and then referenced in the XML. The tutorials eplain the structure really well, so if you want to learn more make sure to jump in.

To burst your bubble... Land combat is something a lot of people ask for but is not possible in the current engine of the game. With the modding we frankenstein and stretch what is possible and available. In some ways we can add things on top of the game but it all comes down to what is avilable in the engine. Land combat in a way we have in Age Of Empires or even slinked down like 1404 is not possible in the current state. Maybe in the next version of Anno, the engine allows it, but not in Anno 1800.

If I would put land defenses inland, and those defenses can shoot to ships, but ships can not shoot back... that would be just stupid :D Inland means not the coast. So on a cliff is also on land. That would totally break the abaility so sail ships by an island not being able to shoot that defense building. That is why only the air defense building has a land version.

For specific logic about attacking structures there is another modder who made Combat Overhaul who is doing an amazing job finetuning that. Come and join the discord and talk about it with him and have a look what he already made. He did a lot of changes of which buildings can be attacked and by who.

Building on an enemy island I'm almost certain is not something that could be possible. The island is an asset and tied to that the storage of that island, workforce, ect. It is not possible to split that in two like other Anno games did.

If a version of land combat would be possible is is with static animations but then that would be nothing compared to something good and why then put time into it... it would totally not be flexible and probably would be done by executing robust triggers whoch are really fragile and prone to errors really quickly. Multiple people tried to have some kind of version of land combat or a creative approach, none of them succeeded or released something because it was just nog polished enough or did not work good enough.

Hope to see you in the modding discord!

After I know you read this message I'll close this :)

Greetings and thanks for showing interest!
