High-Fox / InventoryActions

Allows various interactions between blocks and items to be performed within the inventory. Now data-driven!
MIT License
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Crash on actions that involve block-to-block mappings that contain duplicate item-to-item pairings #6

Open FirEmerald opened 1 year ago

FirEmerald commented 1 year ago

as reported by dadoirie in https://github.com/FirEmerald/AdditionalPlacements/issues/34 this is caused by the "additional placement" blocks having the same item as the original blocks they came from. Despite occupying distinctly unique pairings inside the original mappings, when converted to item-to-item mappings, they resolve to the same pairing, which causes the google collections library to throw an exception. Relevant version information can be found in the original issue, though I would assume it can be reproduced on earlier versions.