I’ve created a new Recommendation schema for the Meeguide tourist guide app. The schema is structured as follows:
attraction_id: This field references the Attraction schema using an ObjectId. It's required to link each recommendation to a specific attraction.
name: The name of the recommendation, which is required and trimmed to ensure clean input.
dateRecommended: A date field that defaults to the current date and time when a recommendation is made.
Timestamps: The schema has timestamps enabled to automatically track when each recommendation is created and updated.
Description for Recommendation Schema:
I’ve created a new Recommendation schema for the Meeguide tourist guide app. The schema is structured as follows:
attraction_id: This field references the Attraction schema using an ObjectId. It's required to link each recommendation to a specific attraction. name: The name of the recommendation, which is required and trimmed to ensure clean input. dateRecommended: A date field that defaults to the current date and time when a recommendation is made. Timestamps: The schema has timestamps enabled to automatically track when each recommendation is created and updated.