HigherOrderCO / Bend

A massively parallel, high-level programming language
Apache License 2.0
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Request: FFI and interfaces with other languages #350

Open ArminMousavi opened 1 month ago

ArminMousavi commented 1 month ago

Does it have any libraries or support libraries from other languages ( Rust, Python etc ...) ? How can we make a webserver with it ?

VictorTaelin commented 1 month ago

Not yet, it currently only runs pure computations. We will add IO very soon, and give you the option to call arbitrary C functions via FFI. Running a full webserver will be involved though, but this is the path

anandijain commented 1 month ago

I would like to see a linear algebra library

chadbrewbaker commented 1 month ago

All you have to support is dlopen() and system() ? Then you can call arbitrary code. A FFI that can pass a cacheline is probably the sweet spot for CPU static linking.