Highfivery / zero-spam-for-wordpress

The WordPress Zero Spam plugin makes blocking spam a cinch without all the bloated options. Just install, activate, and say goodbye to spam.
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[FEATURE] Email Domain White Label? #289

Open wholebiz opened 2 years ago

wholebiz commented 2 years ago

It would seem beneficial to be able to white label an email domain. That way if we have a failed registration from a legitimate user, we could quickly add their email domain.

I don't know all the ins and outs of domain blocking vs email domain blocking, so not sure if this would create a new kind of security risk.

Our ZeroSpam installation is new. So far, we haven't had any blocked legit registrants. When we used reCaptcha 3, two legit users were blocked without recourse, which is why I switched to ZeroSpam. We won't know if ZeroSpam will also block legit users, but just planning ahead for my own confidence and methodology for permitting legit users.

For example, if a legit user is sending email from a server of a VPN that also serves spam, it seems like the legit user would be blocked if we rely only on IP address white label, because we would only want to allow the legit email, not the whole IP address which might include spammers. I'm only asking this way because I am not knowledgeable in the relationship between email domains and IP addresses.

Main thing is that I want to have a clear plan for if a legit prospect wants to register and is blocked somehow by ZeroSpam...