Hightor / gitinfo2

CTAN - gitinfo2.sty: Use git repository metadata in LaTeX documents
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Alternative for git hooks #27

Open twoframesperminute opened 7 years ago

twoframesperminute commented 7 years ago

Although git hooks are nice, they're not perfect. For instance, there is no git hook for git tag.

I now have a custom build script that runs the \gitsetinfo command before running latexmk. The command is quick enough not to slow down typesetting. In this way, the info is always up to date.

In an earlier attempt, I executed the script from the document itself by using \immediate\write18{scriptname}. However, since this only runs during typesetting, latexmk does not detect any changes and doesn't force a re-run.

Is there a way to run the script when running latexmk?

josephwright commented 1 year ago

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