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Research deploy pipeline for ecs #13

Open Hijn opened 6 years ago

Hijn commented 6 years ago

➤ Tristan commented:

Ask me.

Hijn commented 6 years ago

➤ dsteenman commented:

Had a detailed session and we codebuild+pipeline has its pro's and cons. Pro's: fast with deploying containers + whole process of committing source code from developer to actually deploying the container can be setup in one flow. Cons: No rollback support, no artifacts and no healthcheck in place to support rolling back.

For this customer is might be better to support them with our current setup in bamboo. Since we are at a stage were we need to deliver a proper solution without testing them as a guinea pig.

Pro's Bamboo: Artifcacts and rollbacks are supported. Cons: Superslow in deploying new containers.

Hijn commented 6 years ago

➤ Serkan commented:

@danny215304 we also had a conversation with gogift, let's share ideas.