HikariKnight / material-awesome

Material and Mouse driven config for AwesomeWM 4.3
MIT License
126 stars 52 forks source link

Tree Tiling Option? #11

Open eqan opened 3 years ago

eqan commented 3 years ago

Hi could any one please tell me how to integrate awesome-treetile by guotsuan here in this material awesome theme, It would do a great deal if somebody could help out.

Link to the tree tiling source code: https://github.com/guotsuan/awesome-treetile

HikariKnight commented 3 years ago

hi @eqan, sorry i have not noticed there were issues being submitted here after papy officially stopped material-awesome. I am not that familiar with lua but from the looks of it it should be possible to just add the file so your own personal awesome config and just "require" that file and add it to the possible layouts.

just run a grep -Ri ".max" ~/.config/awesome to get the potential files you need to add the code to.

however this treetile seems to just be a slightly altered dwindle or spiral tiling mode, which will be enabled in an updated revision to this project.

eqan commented 3 years ago

Thank you @HikariKnight this would be awesome, somehow if this tiling mode gets integerated, I might pull some effort to add some more Tiling Mods & Scripts to make this a complete desktop replacement. I'm looking forward towards this upgrade