Closed mrhappy200 closed 2 years ago
hey @mrhappy200 do you have compton or picom installed? it could also be an issue with the rofi theme itself
it is not related to awesome since the launcher is entierly rofi which uses its own theme
I have the reccomended version of picom installed
@mrhappy200 have you done any changes to the rofi.rasi theme file?
Not really sure what else could be causing it other than a misconfigured theme file for rofi 🤔
another thing to try is to run rofi -show drun -theme $HOME/.config/awesome/configuration/rofi/appmenu/rofi.rasi -run-command "/bin/bash -c -i \'shopt -s expand_aliases; {cmd}\'"
and see if it complains anything about the theme in the terminal.
this is the same command run when you do open the app menu or hit the hotkey for rofi
PS: also what distro are you using and what desktop environment did you come from? (im guessing kde plasma since i see dolphin) so that i can try recreate the issue in a VM
I have the same issue and I'm using the latest master build
hi @IceDBorn i have not been able to replicate the issue so it would be nice to get some info so i can investigate inside a VM
Distro: Original Desktop Environment (if you have multiple installed then list them all, window managers excluded): Have you done any changes to /etc/environment or ~/.Xresources? if so what:
use this for code or text file blocks for readability ``` text ```
Distro: Arch Linux
Desktop Enviroment: KDE Plasma
I have not made any changes to /etc/environment or ~/.Xresources.
I'm going to clean install Arch soon, so I'll be able to tell if having plasma installed breaks rofi.
@IceDBorn thanks i will attempt to recreate it tomorrow or next weekend, depends how my week will be.
I know i had some weirdness with plasmashell in the background doing some kde stuff when i logged into awesome from sddm in the past, not sure if it is no longer the case. but we will see when i do my testing.
@HikariKnight I did a clean install of arch linux, sddm + awesome and rofi has the same issue.
@mrhappy200 @IceDBorn
seems to be an issue only on arch based distros, so could be a rofi version problem where rofi has introduced new themeing options meaning that the rofi.rasi theme file has to be fixed for rofi 1.7
i am still using rofi 1.5.4 :thinking: at least that is my theory as i tried going from gnome, xfce, kde plasma, etc to material-awesome and they all produced the same issue so it most likely is an issue with the theme file being incompatible with the newer version since rofi-theme-selector does not have the same issue when using built in themes.
This has been fixed in the latest commit to both lua5.4 branch and master branch :)
So I absolutely love this awesomewm theme it really great but I am having this weird issue with the app launcher, see the image. this is my awesome version (git) awesome v4.3-1159-geddabebac (Too long)