HilHi-Technology / REM

OGPC game 2015-2016
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Presentation #22

Open phantomvortex7 opened 8 years ago

phantomvortex7 commented 8 years ago

There is a lot of stuff that we need to add. There is also stuff that we can take out (I put as many slides as I could think of putting). As a nod to one of our game mechanics, Melissa and I thought that we could have the background of the presentation be completely grey-scale, and as the presentation goes on, it will transform to a fully saturated color/hue. I will also work on creating a custom theme with the exact same spacing on each slide. Title typeface "Roboto" normal. Text Typeface "Courier New" 14 pt.


PrismerPanda commented 8 years ago

Recommend not dumping info in chunks of text, makes the presentation hard to read and kinda boring. Might need to space out info/make larger for easier reading.

phantomvortex7 commented 8 years ago

I did not honestly think that the chunk would stay, we need to lower things into a few sentences. It is also off because the text is smaller than the rest, I just didn't want to completely edit the story line without collaboration with you guys.