Closed idanb11 closed 9 years ago
bower install angular-ui-utils#scroll-1.0.1
for ui-scrollHi @dhilt , the bower command you wrote, gives the following error:
$ bower install angular-ui-utils#scroll-1.0.1
bower not-cached git://
bower resolve git://
bower not-cached git://
bower resolve git://
bower ENORESTARGET Tag/branch scroll-1.0.1 does not exist
Additional error details:
Available tags: alias-0.1.0, alias-0.1.1, event-0.1.0, event-0.1.1, format-0.1.0
, format-0.1.1, highlight-0.1.0, highlight-0.1.1, ie-shiv-0.1.0, ie-shiv-0.1.1,
include-0.1.0, include-0.1.1, indeterminate-0.1.0, indeterminate-0.1.1, inflecto
r-0.1.0, inflector-0.1.1, jq-0.1.0, jq-0.1.1, keypress-0.1.0, keypress-0.1.1, ma
sk-0.1.0, mask-0.1.1, reset-0.1.0, reset-0.1.1, route-0.1.0, route-0.1.1, scroll
-0.1.1, scrollfix-0.1.0, scrollfix-0.1.1, showhide-0.1.0, showhide-0.1.1, src0.1
.0, src0.1.1, unique-0.1.0, unique-0.1.1, v0.0.1, v0.0.2, v0.0.3, v0.0.4, v0.1.0
, v0.1.1, validate-0.1.0, validate-0.1.1
Available branches: angular1.2.x, bower, bower-alias, bower-event, bower-format,
bower-highlight, bower-ie-shiv, bower-include, bower-indeterminate, bower-infle
ctor, bower-jq, bower-keypress, bower-mask, bower-reset, bower-route, bower-scro
ll, bower-scrollfix, bower-showhide, bower-unique, bower-validate, filter, ft-gr
unt-build-only, gh-pages, master, ui-i18n
okey! please forget it, we've added it into bower, so just use bower install ui-scroll
Hi @Hill30,
If you install the NGScroller from angular-ui :
bower install angular-ui-utils#scroll-0.1.1 --save
The directive names are other than what shows in your documentation. You need to use the following directive names - ng-scroll-viewport / ng-scroll instead of us-scroll-viewport / us-scroll. It took my quite a while to find the reason for that.I really like this library. thanks for the great work. Idan.