I propose you to change line 84 of scroll.js from :
bufferSize = Math.max(3, +$attr.bufferSize || 10);
bufferSize = Math.max(3, +$scope.$eval($attr.bufferSize) || 10);
so we can give an expression for the buffer-size (per example, if we retrieve this number from an application option) :
I propose you to change line 84 of scroll.js from : bufferSize = Math.max(3, +$attr.bufferSize || 10); to bufferSize = Math.max(3, +$scope.$eval($attr.bufferSize) || 10);
so we can give an expression for the buffer-size (per example, if we retrieve this number from an application option) : buffer-size="::ctrl.getNbItemsPerPage()"
tested, ok with AngularJS 1.3.4