HilliamT / Vapor-Authenticator

Desktop Authenticator for Steam for players, traders and gamers to be able to utilise, facilitate and automate Steam from their desktop
MIT License
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Adding accept all tradeoffers button #14

Open rchutzz opened 1 year ago

rchutzz commented 1 year ago


I had issues with confirmations not loading because of steam authentication issues.

  1. Resolved by updating npm update steamcommunity
  2. Added border/ width of size 12 to the renderConfirmations steam avatar to prevent image overflow
  3. Added a button Accept All to accept all trade confirmations. *_4. Seperate request for changes to main.yml_**

Screen Shot 2023-07-09 at 5 42 43 PM

For people who sell a lot of items on buff.163 or other marketplaces, this will allow users to automate accepting tons of confirmations at once (3 second delay that waits for promise to resolve). might need to add a warning that people are vunerable to API scams shouldn't use this feature.

I realized the main.yml file attempt to use node v10.x, but was incompatible with the updated dependencies. I made another pull request to update the main.yml to use v14.x to allow this branch to successful pass the tests to be able to merge with the master.

rchutzz commented 1 year ago

@HilliamT currently blocked by the pullrequest to update main.yml