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Implement Garment Customization and Tech Pack Compilation #4

Open wendulem opened 7 months ago

wendulem commented 7 months ago


Implement functionality for users to place graphics on garments, select specific garment metadata, and automatically generate a tech pack or database entry for garment production.


1. Garment Customization Interface

Objective: Create an interface where users can select garments, apply graphics, and choose specific attributes like fabric and color.

2. Tech Pack Automation

Objective: Develop a system to automatically compile a tech pack or create a detailed line item in a database based on the user's garment customizations

Evidently a backend todo: lambda function to compile schema in html template for pdf.

3. Database Integration

Objective: Ensure that all customization details are stored efficiently in the backend database, potentially creating a new schema for tech packs.

Expected Outcome

wendulem commented 7 months ago

Tech pack compilation would happen upon an order being created.

wendulem commented 7 months ago

Creation of the the graphics for the tech packs should follow this logic - and be easier
