Hilti-Research / hilti-slam-challenge-2021

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Questions about scoring and estimated trajectory frequency #14

Open mcamurri opened 2 years ago

mcamurri commented 2 years ago

Hi @hemi86, thanks again for the awesome competition.

I have a few questions about the scoring:

hemi86 commented 2 years ago

Hi @mcamurri,

Is there a desired frequency for the estimated trajectory? For example, would a 30 Hz trajectory evaluated more than a 10 Hz one (e.g. in terms of completeness)?

no this will not make a difference.

Will the scoring take into account real-time capability, or would be an offline full batch optimization be considered the same in terms of scoring as an incremental optimization that can run real-time?

This challenge focuses on accuracy and robustness, so real time capability does not increase the score.