Himalayan-Academy / Siva-Siva-App

Code Repository for the Siva Siva Mobile App
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Listen: card "listen-my-audio" , the fld "audioList" is out of position #285

Closed Brahmanathaswami closed 3 years ago

Brahmanathaswami commented 3 years ago

we should include, in the #updateUI

that will take care of it...

put the long id of fld "audioList" into tAudioList
         set the rect of tAudioList to (10, the bottom of tCollectionsLabel + 18, \
               CardWidth() - 7, the top of tFooter - 17)
         centerMe tAudioList, 60,70

# in the     case "listen-my-audio"

 case "listen-my-audio"
         local tDeleteOn

         put the long id of fld "audioList" into tAudioList
         set the rect of tAudioList to (10, the bottom of tCollectionsLabel + 18, \
               CardWidth() - 7, the top of tFooter - 17)
         centerMe tAudioList, 60,70

         put the long id of grp "displayDelete" into tDeleteOn
         BottomRightMe tDeleteOn, 0,50

Brahmanathaswami commented 3 years ago

Finished, the UI on card "listen-my-audio" for field "audioList" is current on center:

file: behavior_Listen handler: updateUI changed:

command updateUI


case "listen-my-audio" local tDeleteOn

     put the long id of fld "audioList" into tAudioList
     set the rect of tAudioList to (10, the bottom of tCollectionsLabel + 18, \
           CardWidth() - 7, the top of tFooter - 17)
     centerMe tAudioList, 60,70

     put the long id of grp "search-filter" into tSearchFilter
     topRightMe tSearchFilter, 0, 0

     put the long id of grp "audioGlobalControl" into tAudioGlobalControl
     topLeftMe tAudioGlobalControl, 10,0

     put the long id of grp "displayDelete" into tDeleteOn
     BottomRightMe tDeleteOn, 0,50
