Himalayan-Academy / Siva-Siva-App

Code Repository for the Siva Siva Mobile App
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Listen: getLa #286

Closed Brahmanathaswami closed 3 years ago

Brahmanathaswami commented 3 years ago
command getDownloadedAudio
   local tList, tSearchA, tURL, tFolder, tTitle, tTitles, tDataA

   put empty into sDownloadedAudioA
   # do directory walk of the media/audio folder

   put (path_Documents() & "media/audio") into tFolder
   put listFilesWithPaths(tFolder, "true")  into tList
   repeat with x = 1 to (the number of lines of  tList)
      put line x of tList into tURL
      put tURL into sDownloadedAudioA[x]["localURL"]
      set the itemdel to "/"
      put item -2 of tURL into sDownloadedAudioA[x]["file_id"]

   end repeat

   repeat for each  line tKey in the keys of sDownloadedAudioA
      put sDownloadedAudioA[tKey]["file_id"]   into tSearchA["file_id"]
      ## This fetchMediaItems funciton loads data from local copy of
      ## JNANAM SQLite file which might be outdated.
      put  fetchMediaItems(tSearchA) into  tDataA

-- BR:  this return an error
-- going to server, 4/5/2021 was an update  
-- installing  it, it worked 
-- we should talk about together on Skype

    if tDataA[1]["file_id"] is empty then 
         throw "jnanam.sqlite is not up to date"
         exit getDownloadedAudio
      end if
      put tDataA into sDownloadedAudioA[tKey]["metadata"]
   end repeat

   # first look in the dates base

   repeat with x = 1 to (the number lines of keys of sDownloadedAudioA)
      if  sDownloadedAudioA[x]["file_id"] contains "-audiobook" then
         # get in from file names
         set the itemdel to "/"
         put  item -1 of sDownloadedAudioA[x]["localURL"] into tTitle
         put normalizeFileToTitle(tTitle) after tTitles
         put cr & cr after tTitles
         next repeat
      end if
      put sDownloadedAudioA[x]["metadata"][1]["title"] into tTitle

      if tTitle is empty then
         put sDownloadedAudioA[x]["file_id"] into tTitle
         put normalizeFileToTitle(tTitle) after tTitles
         put tTitle after tTitles
      end if
      put cr after tTitles
      if sDownloadedAudioA[x]["metadata"][1]["media_type"] ="audio/song" then
         put sDownloadedAudioA[x]["metadata"][1]["artists"] after tTitles
      end if
      put cr after tTitles

   end repeat

   # getting the final cr out
   delete char -1 of  tTitles

   loadTitles tTitles
   return sDownloadedAudioA

end getDownloadedAudio