Himalayan-Academy / Siva-Siva-App

Code Repository for the Siva Siva Mobile App
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Listen: the "updateCachedListing" behavior_Download cannot be found #291

Closed Brahmanathaswami closed 3 years ago

Brahmanathaswami commented 3 years ago


  1. all downloaded audio is available there is /media folder
  2. but never get sent to the card "listen-my-audio"
  3. So its breaking, that because the field "AudioList" is empty
 repeat for each  line tKey in the keys of sDownloadedAudioA
      put sDownloadedAudioA[tKey]["file_id"]   into tSearchA["file_id"]
      ## This fetchMediaItems funciton loads data from local copy of
      ## JNANAM SQLite file which might be outdated.
      put  fetchMediaItems(tSearchA) into  tDataA
      if tDataA[1]["file_id"] is empty then 
         throw "jnanam.sqlite is not up to date"
         exit getDownloadedAudio
      end if
      put tDataA into sDownloadedAudioA[tKey]["metadata"]
   end repeat
soapdog commented 3 years ago

The files present in the media folder — which is where the downloaded files should be placed — are not appearing in the list when the user goes to My Downloads.