Himalayan-Academy / Siva-Siva-App

Code Repository for the Siva Siva Mobile App
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We Should Be Able to Recover the Shortcuts (or previous "Journal") #327

Open Brahmanathaswami opened 1 year ago

Brahmanathaswami commented 1 year ago

You should be able to email this on a smart phone. Then get a Test Flight / Android Beta Tester and click on the this email and get Shortcuts installed

soapdog commented 1 year ago

Sorry Swami but I can't understand what you want for this issue? Could you please explain further? What are "shortcuts"? You have an arrow pointed at the SQLite database but have the media folder selected. Which one you're talking about?

Do you want the app to be able to download media? Do you want the app to be able to update de database?

Brahmanathaswami commented 1 year ago

Open up SivaSiva nightly.

It come clear with a “Shortcuts” put in “manually” by changing for "Contents" of a field to “Shortcuts”

like this:


But when it is code:

stack "Journal" -- where it appears "journal" OR behavior_Stories where it appears (and all other modules contain:)

ommand journal_AddEntry tCard -- save a bookmark to db local tTitle, tData

if tCard is "storyHome" then exit to top end if

-- if (sStoryTitle is "false") OR (sStorytitle is empty) then -- put "Main Menu" into tTitle -- put "storyHome" into tData["card"] -- else

put sStoryTitle into tData["storyTitle"] put sLastScene into tData["storyScene"] put sAttribution into tData["Attribution"] put sTotalSceneCount into tData["SceneCount"] put "showStories" into tData["card"]

--end if

Journal_RecordEntry "Stories",(sStoryTitle &", "& sLastScene), tData -- send to journal dialog_CustomMsg "Saved to Shortcuts" end journal_AddEntry

and that goes for

soapdog commented 1 year ago


We have talked about this before. Please don't paste source code, it doesn't help at all. I still can't understand what the problem is.

If this is about some bug, you need to write what was the expected behaviour and what is actually happening. If this is a new feature, you need to write what it should do, and what the user should expect.

I can't understand what you're talking about there. Please, double check your typing, and if necessary, can in some help from some other monk. I haven't been able to work on this because I can't understand the issue.