e.g. Journal_RecordEntry "gems", ("Gems - Quotes" ), pData,("Reading, " & tRealm)
end closecard
Add to the stack script a journalResume that looks like this;
on journalResume pDataA, pEntryA
put "card " & quote & pDataA["card"] & quote & " of stack " && quote & pEntryA["module"] & quote into pDestination
close stack "journal"
portal_GoStack pDestination # or whatever hyou want to go back to the lessont heyh were reading.
end journalResume
command Journal_RecordEntry pModule, pLabel, pData, pTags -- pImage
e.g. Journal_RecordEntry "gems", ("Gems - Quotes" ), pData,("Reading, " & tRealm) end closecard
Add to the stack script a journalResume that looks like this;
on journalResume pDataA, pEntryA put "card " & quote & pDataA["card"] & quote & " of stack " && quote & pEntryA["module"] & quote into pDestination close stack "journal" portal_GoStack pDestination # or whatever hyou want to go back to the lessont heyh were reading. end journalResume