HimanshuNarware / CareerZunction_Intern

CareerZunction, an open-source platform, offers 200+ internships. Its user-friendly interface enables students to access career resources and foster professional growth. By connecting students with diverse opportunities, it empowers them in their career journeys. Testing Link-> https://career-zunction-intern-testing.vercel.app/
94 stars 130 forks source link

[Feature Request]: Adding a hamburger menu for mobile screen view #279

Open patelkiran185 opened 3 weeks ago

patelkiran185 commented 3 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Feature Description

During responsive check we can see how the icons of home,docs,GitHub are collapsing with the footer which is not good. Adding a hamburger menu for mobile screen viewers can increased their access and user experience. Please checkout the screenshot.

Use Case

By adding a functionality at the navbar. Please assign me this


No response

Add ScreenShots

Screenshot from 2024-06-01 23-36-38




github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Hi there! Thanks for opening this issue. We appreciate your contribution to this open-source project. We aim to respond or assign your issue as soon as possible.