HimanshuNarware / CareerZunction_Intern

CareerZunction, an open-source platform, offers 200+ internships. Its user-friendly interface enables students to access career resources and foster professional growth. By connecting students with diverse opportunities, it empowers them in their career journeys. Testing Link-> https://career-zunction-intern-testing.vercel.app/
94 stars 133 forks source link

[Feature Request]: Add notification on Submit #386

Open DevGajjar28 opened 1 week ago

DevGajjar28 commented 1 week ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Feature Description

currently after filling form and submitting it show a message of Thank you but it show in text format that not good for websites, I would like to add toastify notification that came through pop up after clicking submit button.

My proposal UI Screenshot 2024-06-18 225618

Use Case

This will enhance the user experience and website usage.


No response

Add ScreenShots

image This current message show on submit




github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hi there! Thanks for opening this issue. We appreciate your contribution to this open-source project. We aim to respond or assign your issue as soon as possible.

illusion1412 commented 4 days ago

please assign me this issue,please