HimanshuNarware / CareerZunction_Intern

CareerZunction, an open-source platform, offers 200+ internships. Its user-friendly interface enables students to access career resources and foster professional growth. By connecting students with diverse opportunities, it empowers them in their career journeys. Testing Link-> https://career-zunction-intern-testing.vercel.app/
78 stars 106 forks source link

Automated Greeting Workflow #99

Closed sanmarg closed 2 weeks ago

sanmarg commented 2 weeks ago

I propose to create a GitHub workflow named "Greetings". This workflow will automatically greet users who create new issues or pull requests in this repository. The Greeting will look like "Hi there! Thanks for opening this issue. We appreciate your contribution to this open-source project. We aim to respond or assign your issue as soon as possible."

Please assign this issue to me

sanmarg commented 2 weeks ago

Task done.