HimanshuNarware / Devlabs

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Enhancement: UI enhancement on Home, Internships pages #567

Open adityas-github opened 4 weeks ago

adityas-github commented 4 weeks ago

Description: I've encountered several UI issues on the Home, and Internship pages that need attention. Here's a breakdown of the issues:

  1. Button Spacing Issue:

    • Location: There is an issue on the internship pages
    • Problem: The padding of a button is not correct, the text is appearing on the bottom.
    • Expected Behavior: The button text should be in the center and well arranged.
    • Screenshots: image
  2. Navbar Enhancement:

    • Location: On Each page
    • Problem: The navbar background is dark and non-distinguishable and not very visually appealing for the user
    • Expected Behavior: Making the navbar transparent and adding a blur effect.
    • Screenshots: image
  3. Border Radius Issue on Cards in About Us:

    • Location: On the About Us page the issue with border-radius exists.
    • Problem: There is no border radius to cards on the about us page.
    • Expected Behavior: By adding a border radius we can enhance the design.
    • Screenshots: image

Are you contributing under any open-source program?

github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

Hi there! Thanks for opening this issue. We appreciate your contribution to this open-source project. We aim to respond or assign your issue as soon as possible.

adityas-github commented 3 weeks ago

Assign this issue as a GSSoC contributor.