HimanshuNarware / Devlabs

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[New Tool]:Udemy #742

Closed VaishnaviMankala19 closed 17 hours ago

VaishnaviMankala19 commented 2 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

New Tool Description

Udemy democratizes education by providing a vast array of online courses, catering to diverse interests and skill levels. Its self-paced learning model enables individuals worldwide to acquire new skills and advance their careers conveniently and affordably.

Use Case

Udemy democratizes education by providing a vast array of online courses, catering to diverse interests and skill levels. Its self-paced learning model enables individuals worldwide to acquire new skills and advance their careers conveniently and affordably.


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github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there! Thanks for opening this issue. We appreciate your contribution to this open-source project. We aim to respond or assign your issue as soon as possible.

panwar8279 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @VaishnaviMankala19 , i am assigning this task to you. Kindly complete within 3 days. Good luck!