Hime-Works / Requests

Bug reports and requests that may require longer discussions and is not suitable to leave on the blog
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Incompatible problem XAS A-RPG and Unlimited Resolution #263

Open iVarlix opened 9 years ago

iVarlix commented 9 years ago

Can you ensure that the script is compatible with XAS unlimited resolution as no LED animation bugs when exceeds the base resolution. XAS A-RPG: http://www.atelier-rgss.com/XAS/Manual.htm Unlimited Resolution: https://himeworks.wordpress.com/2013/10/25/unlimited-resolution/#more-1993 Please, thank you in advance!

HimeWorks commented 9 years ago

No, I do not have plans to support that script. Consider using the high-res DLL.

iVarlix commented 9 years ago

The .dll is unavailable

HimeWorks commented 9 years ago

Here's the DLL that was removed http://himeworks.com/redirect.php?type=library&name=highres_dll

iVarlix commented 9 years ago

I replace the .dll my project, but still the animation bug and monsters that appears only when enters the base resolution. I use Unlimited Resolution, will I take another script?

HimeWorks commented 9 years ago

You don't need unlimited resolution if you are using the DLL.

iVarlix commented 9 years ago

How to change? Graphics.resize_screen (width, height) in Main?

iVarlix commented 9 years ago

That does not work, that increases a little the resolution, I modified well the dll in my project of game.