Hime-Works / Requests

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Feature Conditions "Stack Too Deep" Errors #368

Open CoolieBK18 opened 5 years ago

CoolieBK18 commented 5 years ago

Attempting to create a feature condition that checks if the battler is equipped with a certain TYPE of weapon or armor.

a.equip_atype_ok?(ID) a.equip_wtype_ok?(ID)

Both of these check to see if a weapon type or armor can be equipped by the battler (not exactly what I want to do, but I figured I'd start there). Both return a stack too deep error upon equipping the item with the feature condition.

What I am looking for is a check to see if a certain weapon type or armor IS actually equipped. Something like:

<feature condition: 1> a.armors.include?($data_armors[ID RANGE...ID RANGE]) </feature condition>

Now, this does not produce an error, but also does not allow the feature in question to be used, either. How can I fix this? Getting this to work is essential to a ton of gear in my project, unfortunately.