Hime-Works / Requests

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Pre-Skill Effects Issue #385

Open BorkBorkDoge opened 2 years ago

BorkBorkDoge commented 2 years ago

Hey! I just wanted to say your script was a LIFE SAVER for me! Although, I am running into a bit of a bump in the road.

See, I'm using your script to make a skill apply a state to the user that halves the damage they take for that round as well as inflicting damage.

For example: Character 1 (let's call him Bob) uses a skill that attacks character 2 (let's call him Joe) and also doubles Bob's defense. Then, when Joe uses a skill to attack Bob, Bob takes half the damage (because of this state). Once that turn/round is over, the state disappears.

The only problem is that I can't quite get the script to work. I think I've set it up properly, but I just can't seem to get it right. During the first round of battle the damage is the full amount (which is 6), but only AFTER the first turn is it reduced to half. I'm not quite sure why. I can send you a copy of the file I'm working with if you'd like, so you can see it for yourself!

Here are some screenshots though: the state being used the move being used

Any help or feedback would be awesome! c: