HinTak / seeed-voicecard

This is an enhancement fork with the explicit aim of supporting current shipping Raspbian/Ubuntu kernels without requiring downgrading. Please donate at https://hintak.github.io/ if it works for you. Use vX.Y branch for kernel version vX.Y
GNU General Public License v3.0
180 stars 67 forks source link

Installation script #20

Open synesthesiam opened 6 months ago

synesthesiam commented 6 months ago

Not an issue, but I've created an install script that's much less painful than the original (currently just for kernel 6.1):

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Installs drivers for the ReSpeaker 2mic and 4mic HATs on Raspberry Pi OS.
# Must be run with sudo.
# Requires: curl raspberrypi-kernel-headers dkms i2c-tools libasound2-plugins alsa-utils

set -eo pipefail

apt-get update
apt-get install --no-install-recommends --yes \
    curl raspberrypi-kernel-headers dkms i2c-tools libasound2-plugins alsa-utils

temp_dir="$(mktemp -d)"

function finish {
   rm -rf "${temp_dir}"

trap finish EXIT

pushd "${temp_dir}"

# Download source code to temporary directory
# NOTE: There are different branches in the repo for different kernel versions.
# We use v6.1 here.
echo 'Downloading source code'
curl -L -o - 'https://github.com/HinTak/seeed-voicecard/archive/refs/heads/v6.1.tar.gz' | \
    tar -xzf -

cd seeed-voicecard-6.1/

# 1. Build kernel module
echo 'Building kernel module'
kernel="$(uname -r)"

mkdir -p "/usr/src/${mod}-${ver}"
cp -a "${src}"/* "/usr/src/${mod}-${ver}/"

dkms add -m "${mod}" -v "${ver}"
dkms build -k "${kernel}" -m "${mod}" -v "${ver}" && {
    dkms install --force -k "${kernel}" -m "${mod}" -v "${ver}"

mkdir -p "/var/lib/dkms/${mod}/${ver}/${marker}"

# 2. Install kernel module and configure
echo 'Updating boot configuration'

cp seeed-*-voicecard.dtbo /boot/overlays
grep -q "^snd-soc-ac108$" /etc/modules || echo "snd-soc-ac108" >> /etc/modules
sed -i -e 's:#dtparam=i2c_arm=on:dtparam=i2c_arm=on:g' "${config}"
echo "dtoverlay=i2s-mmap" >> "${config}"
echo "dtparam=i2s=on" >> "${config}"
mkdir -p /etc/voicecard
cp *.conf *.state /etc/voicecard
cp seeed-voicecard /usr/bin/
cp seeed-voicecard.service /lib/systemd/system/
systemctl enable --now seeed-voicecard.service

echo 'Done. Please reboot the system.'