HingeAssembler / HINGE

Software accompanying "HINGE: Long-Read Assembly Achieves Optimal Repeat Resolution"
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Step: filter problem: (null): .qual-track does not exist for this db. #135

Open nottwy opened 6 years ago

nottwy commented 6 years ago

The command is like this: hinge filter --db $db --las $las --mlas -x $prefix --config $cfg

Before filter, The command of DASqv is like this: DASqv -c70 $db $las.*.las

My question is: what does this message mean, and does it influence my result, and how does it influence my result?

govinda-kamath commented 6 years ago

The -c parameter is an estimate for the coverage of the genome. Higher values here make the thresholds used for a chimeric read filter higher. So a higher -c reduces misassemblies, but at the same time could fragment the assembly as well.