I'm not able to symbolicate simulator nor device builds. I've tried all sorts of different things, including this that is documented in the README:
# Upload the dSYM after every simulator build
Rake::Task["build:simulator"].enhance do
# Upload the dSYM after every device build
Rake::Task["build:device"].enhance do
It appears as if it works, but when crashes are uploaded to Fabric, they are missing the dSYMs.
Fabric Uploading .dSYM file
env BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR='/Users/andrew/MyCompany/my_app/build/iPhoneSimulator-9.0-Development/My App.app' INFOPLIST_PATH='Info.plist' DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME='My App.app.dSYM' DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH='/Users/andrew/MyCompany/my_app/build/iPhoneSimulator-9.0-Development' PROJECT_DIR='/Users/andrew/MyCompany/my_app' SRCROOT='/Users/andrew/MyCompany/my_app' PLATFORM_NAME='iphonesimulator' PROJECT_FILE_PATH='' CONFIGURATION='release' sh /Users/andrew/MyCompany/my_app/vendor/Pods/Fabric/run fabricapikeygoeshere fabricbuildsecretgoeshere
2018-09-21 15:37:08.691 uploadDSYM[7956:205910] Fabric.framework/run 1.7.0 (208)
2018-09-21 15:37:08.698 uploadDSYM[7956:205910] Using API Key: "fabricapikeygoeshere"
2018-09-21 15:37:08.699 uploadDSYM[7956:205910] Launched uploader in validation mode
Simulate /Users/andrew/MyCompany/my_app/build/iPhoneSimulator-9.0-Development/My App.app
2018-09-21 15:37:20.480 My App[7978:206420] [Crashlytics] Version 3.10.1 (129)
I'm not able to symbolicate simulator nor device builds. I've tried all sorts of different things, including this that is documented in the README:
It appears as if it works, but when crashes are uploaded to Fabric, they are missing the dSYMs.