HippieStation / HippieStationdeprecated2020

The Hippie Station branch of SS13
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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xeno traitor package #10028

Open geylard opened 5 years ago

geylard commented 5 years ago

[Title]: # Your feature needs to have a good title. If you want an object added, the object's name would be a good title, and such. Use common sense. jabroni [Implementation]: # How should the feature work out? What exactly is it supposed to do, in your initial idea? If an item, can it be crafted/found/bought and for what? give em a traitor pack with the xeno suit that may or may not be taken off and some xeno organs that might or may not be automatically be implanted and/or tied into the suit. which organs depends how u wana do this friend. if the egg sac is in there then I assume it'd be either rng, above 20 tc and might have some way to talk to the aliens to prevent them from fuckn you, though I guess the hivenode kind of has that covered. xeno eyes are better thermals so idk, acid gland and tongue is probably important.

[Why]: # How does your feature improve the game anyhow? Why should it be added? so it can be used once or twice then never used again unless someone buys a surplus crate [Resources]: # Eventual assets such as icons and sounds which you have and want to suggest related to this feature.

Be sure to ask some maintainer to label this issue as a feature. Either ping them on our discord or PM them on our forum. Thank you for sharing your ideas!


yoyobatty commented 5 years ago

You need to try a little harder in formatting this. This hurts to look at and you can't even tell where your suggestions begins from an initial glance.

geylard commented 5 years ago


AnthonyJNgo commented 5 years ago

-1. Please flesh out your idea and redo your suggestion with better formatting. I also suggest an idea other than xenomorph as it's unlikely to get in.

geylard commented 5 years ago

uh excuse me i literally used the formatting which the forum provides when you click on "suggest a new thing". how dare u fat cat coders not only move the suggestion part of the forum to this shit github, which needs a new account and provides literally no benefits, but to also hate the format that it provides. kill all coders

AnthonyJNgo commented 5 years ago

Actually this is way better than forums in so many ways for things like this to be honest. Also, following format is fine, what we mean is spacing your paragraphs. I went ahead and formatted part of your suggestion to give you an idea. Take a look at what I have below and your original post and you'll probably agree it's a lot easier to read.


Give them a traitor pack with the xeno suit that may/may not be taken off and some xeno organs that may/may not be automatically be implanted and/or tied into the suit. Which organs depends how you want to do this.

If the egg sac is in there then I assume it'd be either rng or above 20 tc. You might have some way to talk to the aliens to prevent them from killing you, though I guess the hivenode kind of has that covered. Xeno eyes are better thermals, and acid gland and tongue are probably important also.

geylard commented 5 years ago

ya all those htings u didnt list because there are none. furthermore its only arguably easier to read because u omitted the very important title, why, and resource sections. check urself fucker, but im sorry the bracekts starting a line like in the format is too much for u pee brained coders.

AnthonyJNgo commented 5 years ago

I'm on mobile, so I'm not going to list the advantages of github over a regular forum for code discussion.

I omitted the other sections because I'm not going to completely reformat your suggestion for you. I'll tell you what though, since the coders are pea brains if you code your suggestion yourself and start a pull request and the code is clean and compiles I'll give the PR a +1.

geylard commented 5 years ago

"lol im too busy to ever sit down to provide any reasons on why its better, because obviously this is urgent, but be aware that it totally makes up for how much of a pain in the ass it is" "lol ur formatting could be better in other ways that aren't a direct result of the shit template thats provided, but i wont tell u" "lol just code it urself" CODERS ARE TRULY WORSE THAN HITLER. I SAW THE BUTTBOY YOYOBABBY SAYIN #REKT TO THIS IN UR CODER CHAT, TRULY THE CODERIMMATI MUST BE STOPPED. FOR TOO LONG HAVE YOU CIRCLE JERKED IN UR SHIT BALL HUGBOX, ITS TIME TO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE SULFUR.

yoyobatty commented 5 years ago


ExpAntique commented 5 years ago

-1, learn how to use a fucking template autist

geylard commented 5 years ago

look at u shit eating coders, if you genuinely think inserting an empty line that wasn't present in the template makes it so much better and that it falls on me to fix ur retarded defective template than you literally need to kill ursevles. but i guess if thats teh only thing you can pick out to complain about then i guess that just proves what human SCUM you all are and how great my suggestion is.

geylard commented 5 years ago

ok so what is wrong with the actual suggestion? so far, so far we've got

the template is shit not 100% planned out.

nice suggestion forum u fucking imbeciles, way better than the old 1.

ghost commented 5 years ago

nothing much is wrong with your idea. if you make a PR it will get merged, simple as that.

geylard commented 5 years ago

Here's the real problem: They moved the suggestion part of the forum, where non-coders and literally anyone can throw around ideas with as much depth as they want for the coders to look at to here. Here, where from what I've seen, you have to completely flesh out an idea before any discussion occurs despite the coder being the one who decides how it's implemented, making it seemingly wasted effort. Or perhaps as you're suggesting and from what I can see from people giving +1's and -1's, non-coders can't even suggest features anymore. Another problem with this is that as I've said, most people who would throw an idea around or make fun threads won't even bother making a github account because it literally only has the function of posting these suggestions which result in the coders telling them to, "lol just code it urself" which obviously, they're not going to because learning to code just for ss13 is fucking dumb (shoutouts to KBB). You all can form your little coder daisy-chain, but I want you to remember Dadols and how his suggestions never would have occurred if we exclusively had the suggestions on the github.

GuyonBroadway commented 5 years ago

Look, are you trying to suggest a feature here or are you just bitchingvand reeeeing because things don't work EXACTLY as you dictate they should. Considering your track record, it's likley the latter but I'm willing to let you have the benefit of the doubt and attempt the former.

Just.... Clean up yer suggestion a little, that's all we ask and then we can nail this idea down (or toss it in the trash if it turns out shit but that remains to be seen)

geylard commented 5 years ago

I appreciate your chance at forgiveness, guyon, but what the fuck are you talking about, what track record? I'll accomplish both anyway since I'm a Renaissance man, but if u look closely I'm not even the one who started complaining about the format because I didn't insert a blank space into the template provided, making it allegedly unreadable. I literally just shit out a loose idea like I would on the old forums, with plenty of room for discussion and thoughts on how it could proceed if any coder thought it might have potential. But here we are, with people giving -1s as though I'm purposing to merge it with the amount of detail/thought provided thus far.

A pseudo-xeno traitor package seems like a swell idea to me yet no one has actually commented on the idea itself. It's just been complaints on how I haven't fully detailed every aspect on how to implement it and that the formatting copied and pasted straight from the template isn't ideal. Not that I would know what's possible to implement because again, I'm not a coder. How hard would it be to create a traitor package that gives some xeno organs and possibly tying it into a (possibly) non-removable suit? Would it be as simple as taking some autosurgeon code and pasting it somewhere else? I don't know so how would I possibly provide these details on how to implement it?

GuyonBroadway commented 5 years ago

So a tator kit that gives you a full suite of xeno organs in addition to a xeno suit?

If it's everything bar the egg sack that sounds fun, you could make a set of autodocks to do the implanting... Or hand them a rusty scalpel, a book on self surgery and a note marked "good luck faggot". The abilities you get from xeno organs are good but not overpowered. At you get a reusable ranged stun (weaker than ebow) the ability to melt open doors and lockers (weaker than emag) and slow healing on weeds (weaker than tricord) along with weed and wall planting abilities. Sounds fun enough to be harmless.

With the eggsack.... Ehhh, xenos are roundeders that should be limited to admin events, rare random events or really really good and lucky miners. Anything that can lay xenos eggs makes the round go from zero to "CALL THE SQUIDS" in no time flat. And the fucker laying the eggs is a full speed human which makes them MORE dangerous.

BlueNothing commented 5 years ago

So where do xenos fall on the scale compared to Romerol zombies?

AnthonyJNgo commented 5 years ago

Giving this a +1, no egg sac though.