HippieStation / HippieStationdeprecated2020

The Hippie Station branch of SS13
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Nuke op failure conditions #12684

Open nednaZ opened 4 years ago

nednaZ commented 4 years ago

Dr. Strangetide or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb being stolen

[Why]: Nuclear rounds (Both war and stealth) have only one round-ending failure condition; the death of all teammates. This leads to rounds being drug out potentially by a solo cyborg (Unable to plant the bomb) or the nuke being stolen in-mid planting. If someone spaces/incinerates the nuke, you don't know if it's on-station or not and if you should simply detonate and end the round at that point.

[Implementation]: Probably not too difficult, just have a failure condition for the syndicate nuke being destroyed or off either the Centcom or station Z-level. For the solo cyborg/fish issue, you could have the round end trigger ignore non-human/non-handed teammates. Could also add the nuke itself to the Syndi-Lad's tracker options.

[Resources]: Probably doesn't need any graphics to tighten up.

Be sure to ask some maintainer to label this issue as a feature. Either ping them on our discord or PM them on our forum. Thank you for sharing your ideas! @HippieStation/maintainers bro I haven't even joined the discord despite playing over a year

nednaZ commented 4 years ago

Ckey is Zanden, name was taken.

Zyzarda commented 4 years ago

Willing to try these changes +2

illusineer commented 4 years ago
