HippieStation / HippieStationdeprecated2020

The Hippie Station branch of SS13
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Wizard AutoMute & Refund Bugs #8763

Open MiniMeatwad opened 6 years ago

MiniMeatwad commented 6 years ago

Issue reported from Round ID: 30919 (Hippie Station)

Reporting client version: 512

a few rounds ago, as a wizard i got constantly auto muted for no verifiable reason other than the auto mute thinks i'm spamming or something, oh and apprentice things cost 2 but refund 1 points

Carbonhell commented 6 years ago

This problem just happened with the spurdo mask by equipping and dropping several times, the fuck. (the automute part)

ghost commented 6 years ago

is an issue with any fast say action i've been muted ingame for being a punchghost holoparasite with a battlecry

Carbonhell commented 6 years ago

i mean the dude didn't talk,he only equipped the mask and removed it,that's what makes it all weirder,although it needs to be reproduced

ghost commented 6 years ago
/obj/item/clothing/mask/spurdo/equipped(mob/user, slot) //when you put it on
    var/mob/living/carbon/C = user
    if(C.wear_mask == src)
        C.say("SUOMI PERKELE!") // bawb made me do this
        return ..()
Carbonhell commented 6 years ago

that explains the possible issue, but still why does calling say trigger the spam limit...weird

Jujumatic commented 5 years ago

super easy to fix, this issue has happened with several chems and baseball bat and just needs 1 arg in mob_say. honestly can't even give a bounty for this one

AnthonyJNgo commented 5 years ago

super easy to fix has been sitting here since 2018.

Alright, $1 bounty.

xTrainx commented 3 years ago

i have no idea how to go about fixing this in general unless you want to make a list with every single invocation and message all objects force you to say. Spells actually already handles automute by having a 50 % chance of sending a blank message, but yeah i wouldn't call this "easy" per see