HippieStationArchive / HippieStation13-1

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emagged recyclers can be moved by telekinesis while being active and unlocked #3264

Open zenek123321 opened 7 years ago

zenek123321 commented 7 years ago

that is so op

LufgtHuron commented 7 years ago

i laughed so fucking hard when I threw the recycler at a borg and it exploded

LufgtHuron commented 7 years ago

@Pyko1 also, if you click on a door with the recycler, it moves the door onto the tile where the recycler was. can probably be abused, somehow

KayeArray commented 7 years ago

sheev gaming.avi

KayeArray commented 7 years ago

This is actually a glitch I think since the recycler can't kill people unless it's wrenched down and you shouldn't be able to tk something that is anchored.

GuyonBroadway commented 7 years ago

I imagine what happens is you TK grab it while unsecured, scure it to the floor and the grab still lets you fling it about.

KayeArray commented 7 years ago

Exactly that

GuyonBroadway commented 7 years ago

Now that sound broke but imagine if it wasn't and you had a wrench on one grab and the recycler on another, you'd throw the recycler and quickly secure it with the wrench near people while you hide nearby, the implications are hilarious.