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Wiz Rework. #3266

Closed TheOneAndOnlyCreeperJoe closed 7 years ago

TheOneAndOnlyCreeperJoe commented 7 years ago

Yay it's finally here.

Shit added/Buffed

Eruption spell (NEW): Create a rapidly growing cube of fire centered at your location, spreading outward at a rapid pace and igniting everything you can see. The closer to the center, the longer a fire will burn. Wizard is stunned for 4 seconds while casting it. At the end of the cast, the Wiz will have around 21 firestacks.

Repulse Groundpound: Casting Repulse ontop of someone now deals 40 brute damage, forcing them to scream and stunning for ~6 seconds. Cooldown is now 25.

Apprentice Changes: Apprentices can now choose their own spells from their own spellbook (which cannot be used by the wizard that summoned them, don't try), having 5 spell points to spend. They may NOT spend it on Artifacts (minus the Staff of Healing) or Summon spells.

Lightning: Cooldown is now 25 and charges twice as fast.

Charge: Now has a 50% chance to burn a spellbook instead of 80%. Having Charge as a spell will allow you to see if a spellbook is already used or not.

Blind: Now stuns for 1 second and has it's cooldown lowered to 20.

Flesh to Stone: Cooldown has been reduced to 50, shattering statues now requires you to deal (their health + 25) in damage, which is a reduction of 75 health! (being in crit subtracts from their health, someone that gets statued while in crit with -25 health will have only 1hp as a statue).

Singularity Hammer, Necromantic Stone & Summon Events: Now only cost 1 each.


Mutate: Cooldown increased to 100 so that it doesn't last longer than it's cooldown. Cooldown reduction remains unchanged, meaning that upgrades are now more effective.

Disintegrate: Now requires a 2-second charge-up time that can be interrupted.

Lichdom: By default now has a 5 minute cooldown and dying increases said cooldown by 2 minutes, making deaths very punishing. There's also now a blacklist of items you cannot ensoul.

Animated Statues: Now only deal 30 damage instead of 82!!!, cooldown for the AoE blind has been doubled and the range has been reduced from 10 > 7

KayeArray commented 7 years ago

u nerfin ma statues boi?

Does seem nice though +nothing

blobbernaut commented 7 years ago

statues fuckin useless now lol

blobbernaut commented 7 years ago

that blind upgrade is real nice

TheOneAndOnlyCreeperJoe commented 7 years ago

The bigger nerf on statues was because of the Flesh to Stone buff. You can make more statues on average, as well as Flesh to Stone being more versatile outside of animating, but each individual statue is less powerful now.

trifornt-tinfornt commented 7 years ago

Mutate lasts for, what, 45 seconds? So that effectively gives it about a 55 second cooldown once the buffs end. I'd say it should be 30-45 seconds. Lichdom shouldn't exist. Becoming a skeleton is fine, but not lichdom. Remove. Not sure how I feel about Animated Statues. On one hand, spam is less efficient however being a statue would now be a fuckton more boring because the blind AOE is pretty much the only way you can move. The damage decrease is necessary. I fail to see the point in the Disintegrate's changes. Disintegrate's biggest and most helpful use was to Hit & Run people. Using it as a last ditch wasn't helpful because there were other spells that did that better, and you have to actually melee someone to do that. It also deletes all of their clothing and items so you can't loot them. The two second charge-up just makes hit & run encouraged even more, and the lame playstyle of Magic Missile + Disintegrate + Jaunt even more effective when compared to the others and much more obvious to go with.

trifornt-tinfornt commented 7 years ago

a lot of lich salt, yis the air you breathe here is spooksalt, enchanted and haunted by reviving lichwizards spamming disintegrate

TheOneAndOnlyCreeperJoe commented 7 years ago

The cooldown is effecitvely 40 (because it lasts until 60), and remember cooldown heavily fluctuates depending on how BYOND Feels today. 40 is perfectly fine. Disintegrate put any melee weapons to shame and overshadowed shit like Flesh to Stone outside of animated statues, not to mention that instant death was never fun, especially with wizard getting some more substantial stuns.

Hackole commented 7 years ago

As explained in the slack, I really don't like the idea of 15 spellpoint total with 3 new buddies for only 5 spellpoints. The wizard should at least have to empty his book of points entirely to get that. The rest of this is pretty ace, though.

TheOneAndOnlyCreeperJoe commented 7 years ago

Being altruistic has to have it's rewards, that's my reasoning behind justifying the wizard 3-pack.

TheOneAndOnlyCreeperJoe commented 7 years ago

Oh yeah, if any coder knows why the hell Eruption doesn't properly spawn the fire BUT DOES properly cast the spell, then do tell.

TheOneAndOnlyCreeperJoe commented 7 years ago

It's functional now so you can remove DNM and Changelog needed.

TheOneAndOnlyCreeperJoe commented 7 years ago

Oh yeah I also removed the Apprentice Bundle.

Hackole commented 7 years ago

yer, with the bundle gone it's fine. +1

ghost commented 7 years ago

heck yeah now that this is in a more completed state im down +1

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

Code's good, merging