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Extinguisher is terrible for putting out fires #3292

Open JohnGinnane opened 7 years ago

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

Terrible for turfs on fire, and even more for players on fire. Looking at the code I'm not even sure what reagent it's spewing when you use it. We should have another look at it and possibly have it send out actual water and make sure fire's can be put out with water

Code that makes me question what extinguishers use: https://github.com/HippieStationCode/HippieStation13/blob/56a3fdddeb58b6e0dedb20514f4cc43bee628c58/code/game/objects/items/weapons/extinguisher.dm#L146

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

I think a common issue with using the fire extinguisher is when you put out tiles the fire is reignited because the temperature is still very high and/or the fuel is still there and/or nearby fire spreads. If you empty an extinguisher on one tile it (probably) shouldn't reignite right away

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

It also looks like they're using water which is fine but that should result in slippy floors (if we're actually shooting water), and maybe possibly be dangerous to electronics

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

Wait, seriously they do?

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

What about those extinguishers that shoot out random colours? How are those done?

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

Oh, okay actually it starts full (50 units) with 9 parts water, 1 part cryo: https://github.com/HippieStationCode/HippieStation13/blob/56a3fdddeb58b6e0dedb20514f4cc43bee628c58/code/game/objects/items/weapons/extinguisher.dm#L41

I see these are transfer to a reagent (of size 5 I think) and 1 unit of reagent is transferred. This is very small for a fire extinguisher: https://github.com/HippieStationCode/HippieStation13/blob/56a3fdddeb58b6e0dedb20514f4cc43bee628c58/code/game/objects/items/weapons/extinguisher.dm#L151

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

So buff extinguisher to hold WAY more than a large weaker and make it shoot out way more of the reagent. This should result in the tile being covered in water and the temperature of the turf being lowered significantly

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

Maybe don't fill extinguishers with water...

KayeArray commented 7 years ago

They could just be filled entirely with cryogenic fluid as opposed to only 5u.

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

Could be, but the amount is still so small I feel. The same capacity as a glass beaker with the output of a dropper

KayeArray commented 7 years ago

The cryogenic fluid actually has a volume non dependent on turf reaction which sets gas temp to 0 and kills all hotspots so amount doesn't really matter (fire extinguishers used to be even worse at extinguishing fires) however changing the reagent amount should make it better at putting people out.

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

Cool, ghetto cryo then? Does that change un temperature happen to players toi?

Scinexx commented 7 years ago

It does effect players sprayed

KittyKathy commented 7 years ago

One thing to consider is that fire extinguishers spawn with 5 units out of the 50 being cryogenic fluid which is what the supposed buffed to them was so they were not shit at stopping fires. What do you do when you use up everything in the fire extinguisher? You refill it at a water tank which contains no cryogenic fluid now you are back to having shitty fire extinguishers that are inferior to what it spawned as. Maybe it should be able to automatically convert water to cryogenic fluid or something so refilling it is not a issue? Also why is it so annoying to fill these things with whatever reagent you want, you have to find a water/welding tank empty it then fill it with whatever chemical you want then fill the extinguisher from the tank...why is this even a thing.

There was a time when extinguisher used to be able to wet floors...was not a good time try chasing people as sec. They would grab a extinguisher and run into maintenance spraying water all over the doorway and every tile the spray touched was wet. That may have been the main reason it was changed to need 10 units to wet the floor.

How about cryogenic fluid in extinguishers being able to freeze the floor slightly so it would be harder to catch on fire but not be slippery?

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

Very good points, slipstinguisher would be chaos. Perhaps water should be more effective at cooling stuff