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Major Uplink Renovation #3321

Closed ArcLumin closed 7 years ago

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Massive update to prices in the syndicate uplink, mostly reductions in prices. The major changes are;

Job specific items can now appear in the surplus crate Most non-bundled ammo can be purchased outside of nuke ops Vast decrease in prices for lesser used/more stealthy items

This is in progress, as I want to see everyone's input on these alterations

Edit: Increased prices on weapons, restored some nukeop only statuses

Hackole commented 7 years ago

..Friend, this is just you cutting the prices of a fuckload of murderbone weapons. Also - microbombs for 1tc? what?

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Nuke ops keep failing, and less murderbone shit ain't being used. So hopefully this fixes that

ghost commented 7 years ago

oh my, i do think a lot of the prices were slashed too dramatically. i can't quite support this, but i do think prices for certain items do need to change.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

I figured a lot of shit needs tc reductions overall so more points are used on minor shit.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Still can't get 3.

trifornt-tinfornt commented 7 years ago

Nuke Ops keep failing because they suck. Not because their items aren't carrying them. This is a ridiculous balance change any way. Reducing the price on the rodgun, .357, and ebow is a god awful idea that is only going to make murderboning for TRAITORS better instead of Nuke Ops.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Only briefly looked at it

You unironically made the esword ebow combo only cost 16 TC.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

tbh I made shit half asleep on a whim. If you guys think the prices should be different, list em

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Nah, there's a lot of good there, just need to pump up murderbone prices

KayeArray commented 7 years ago

I support this if you get the balancing figured out, some prices definitely need to be changed but mostly just for traitors rather than nuke ops.

trifornt-tinfornt commented 7 years ago

The good = Job specific items can show up in the surplus crate. Voodoo Doll's price is better. The bad = Decreasing the price on the Chainsaw. GOD WHY = LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

There's a lot of underused nukie shit. Like the support dudes

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

And this is why I made this thread. To see how everyone else thought of it

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Updated. Increased prices to previous levels on weapons, especially nuke ops. Microbombs back at 2 tc

MethMedic commented 7 years ago

Lotta good lotta bad

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Please tell me what's bad and I'll modify it

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Let's go powercreep all day lads

ghost commented 7 years ago

Job specific antag items in surplus crates is great voodoo doll should cost ~4 TC in my opinion keep the spirit camera at 1 TC, it's pretty gimmicky perhaps make the L6 20 TC

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Voodoo doll is pretty shit, imo

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

But I can boost it I guess

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

now you get it

KittyKathy commented 7 years ago

Ever since adrenals were removed nuke ops is even harder as the people you are fighting have 1 shot good game guns and you don't unless you use a grenade launcher which is risky because people can run right in front of you and you get caught in the blast. energy shields cost like what 16 tc, that is like half your tc on a normal round if your leader distributes it evenly. the price of energy shields should be like 8 tc what adrenals used to be or nuke ops should spawn with it so they actually stand a chance most ops die to tasing and lasering. energy shield bundle when.

trifornt-tinfornt commented 7 years ago

Energy Shield price should be reduced, I agree with that. Ops being one-shot-good-game'd is really obnoxious considering they are very obvious antags and have to work together to get the disk. I still don't do poorly as an Op without adrenals but that's just me. Others who aren't as lucky as myself aren't going to get nearly as far, and adapting the balance to suit those who are some of the better/best players is shite.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Why not?

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

We won't be adding the sales to this pr, if anything it'll be a seperate pr

ghost commented 7 years ago

What dudeinyourbackyard said. You've opened up way too many combos of items which are fucking too strong. I can understand the e-shield reduction though.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Yeah, thermals is too low, I agree. I'll boost it

KittyKathy commented 7 years ago

You should just stop right there comparing stamina damage to stuns we have chemicals that instantly REMOVES ALL stamina damage and a single chemical that make you pretty hard to kill(Atropine anyone?). Whenever I played Ops we never really stick together, last time i played ops after we left the ship the only time I saw a fellow op he was following me he blew me up using the medigun gun beam crossing. Your team sucks like more than half the time you are ops, expect radio silence even if they are alive. I have never seen anyone follow a plan it us usually the same stupid strategy blow up comms then blow up the AI kill everyone and maybe get the disk if you brought your pin pointer.

KittyKathy commented 7 years ago

I never really used shotguns because other guns are better most of the time but yeah the thermals plus the new contender gun + stun shells and grenade shells or just thermals, ebow and esword is probally the best/cheapest tc wise way to actually win right now as a solo op.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

the obvious answer is to be blitz solo op with a pod drop at roundstart in the captain's office directly on the cap

KittyKathy commented 7 years ago

You got in trouble for that or at least Hackole got the heat for it.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Yeah, once I got in trouble for that, but a few other times I did it, no issue.

gumner commented 7 years ago

holoparas costs 16tc,anything else is profit

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Gotta have 16 TC holopara so you can buy a combat knife

SpankMasterson commented 7 years ago


Supermichael777 commented 7 years ago

Supers guide to nuking every time

get enough tcs for machine-gun, shield, and no-slips set to semi auto ignore the retarded pincer maneuver bullshit that one guy pushes for and bum rush the disk click everyone until they ded DELTA AT 2 MIN AFTER INSERTION WAIT WHAT BOOM SIP WHISKY MAKE UN RADIO ALPHABET JOKE

Most Fluke ops read too much Tom Clancy. DONT BE A FOOL AND WASTE TIME WITH THE TOOLS.

Most flukes flop because the disk is the third on the list and the captains bolted to a blob of meat and murder! Get that disk before they even know what happened!

blobbernaut commented 7 years ago

I rarely lose as a newk op

JohnMcLaime commented 7 years ago

Nice, adrenals were a must most of the time (bad game 1 shot 1 kill guns). Most of stuff in uplink was so overpriced, especially consumables. I mean, if you fell in a noobtrap of striving only for greentext as traitor/ling. Then you dont even need tc to "win". But hey you should try to do something of a bigger scale and consumables werent that good for that. Just as most job specific items, especially nerfed to shit chainsaw. Also who remembers idiotic 5 tc per 1 ammo of buckshot, what fucking retard decided to price it like that back then? Probably scum who thinks greentext for traitors/lings is challenging and skillbased.

Considering how nuke op gamemode works, best tactic is to go stealth and solo (especially now since adrenals removal). You dont know what teammates you rolled, unless you guess it by their character, but still cant be sure. So you dont wait for your teammates, dont wait for leader to share tc and instead, just emag into shuttle and grab everything first (they got more tc since you didnt go to get them, so that equals it out a bit), Then launch shuttle and infiltrate (dont forget to grab the red button) your team on the main base has the console to recall the shuttle anyway.

JohnMcLaime commented 7 years ago

I dont arm nuke for minimal time if the situation allows, i usually arm it for 280 byond seconds and let my team murderbone.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

I like to do the drop pod rush 10 seconds into the round and drop it on the cap, steal the nuke disk from his corpse and instantly arm the nuke. am I cancer

JohnMcLaime commented 7 years ago

Most of the ops i got in my team were slow as fuck and were waiting when leader will spoonfeed them, 20 starting tc is enough, especially with other gear.

JohnMcLaime commented 7 years ago

That means that you got lucky with good teammates and enemy team being shit. You are acting like you can set up a team for actual teamplay, dont forget you get random people.

I love how so many players just bullshit with this stuff, implying that they are doing that on regular basis (not only about nukies), such hypocrisy. Who recalls you doing that thing? Or you wanna call: sucking admins for theme clothes, blowing up comms and ai a "master plan"?

JohnMcLaime commented 7 years ago

Putting out decent bullshit is easy, but how many times you gonna succeed by relying on RANDOM teammates? Not reliable and i would rather rely on myself in this situation.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago


JohnMcLaime commented 7 years ago

I always said that stealth is best way for nukies to go, you gotta rush it before your "team" reveals the gamemode.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

A solo op can make a nuke op round finish in under 2 minutes. Never seen that done in a team

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

It's not. Nuke ops are fun because lots of people are doing it. If you're talking about most efficient, you can win it in seconds. If you talk about most fun, teams are more fun.

ghost commented 7 years ago

with most of the stuff that mcbaw said being reviewed, i'm a little more okay with it i'm alright with +1'ing it

JohnMcLaime commented 7 years ago

Working with random people and sharing the victory with random people is fun? Or sharing a loss? At least when you failed because of your mistakes it is not that bad as loosing because of teammates or because of relying on them (yeah a mistake of yours too)

gumner commented 7 years ago

"lets not work with other traitors because they MIGHT be an autistic fuck"